Year 5 Home learning 24th November


This is a second example of a brochure. Read this and then identify the features using the checklist on page 3.

Tomorrow, you will be creating your own brochure so use yesterday’s and today’s examples to help.

Tues – Brochure


Complete the reading comprehension. Answers are included on page 3 and 4 – please have a go first before checking these.

Tues – Reading comp


Today, we are looking at factors.

Please view this video What are factors? – BBC Bitesize

and this one What are multiples? – BBC Bitesize

Try the questions here:


We are learning months of the year.

Watch this video

Les mois de l’année – alain le lait (French months of the year) – YouTube

Draw 12 boxes and write the months in each box in English and French. Draw a little picture to represent each month. E.g. ice creams in July or a snowman in December.

Please read and practise your times tables (you could use Times Tables Rock Stars for this).