Y5 home learning 23 November 2021


This week, we are looking at creating a holiday brochure. Please read the holiday brochure text about Sydney. Answer the questions (answers included).

What are the features/sections of the brochure. E.g. Welcome, title etc.

Find the following grammar features in the text:

Fronted adverbials, subordinate clauses, factual vocabulary and possessive apostrophes.

Sydney Brochure

Sydney Brochure Questions



Today, we are looking at multiplying 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

We are beginning by multiplying by ones, then tens then hundred and finally thousands and looking at the relationship between this.


3 x 5 = 15.

30 x 5 = 150

300 x 5 = 1500

3000 x 5 = 15,000

The number gets ten times bigger each time. You can use what you know with your ‘normal’ times tables to help you out as shown in the method above.

E.g. I know 2 x 3 = 6 so I know that 20 x 3 = 60 and 200 x 3 = 600 etc.

Watch Multiply by a four-digit number using a written method – YouTube to help.

Please answer the questions



Recap the 10 Commandments  using this video The Ten Commandments – KS2 Religious Education – BBC Bitesize

Research what each of these mean if you are unsure – there is some tricky language used here.

Choose 3-5 of these. How do they apply to your everyday life?

Create your own 10 rules/commandments that you think will ensure the same values as the the 10 commandments from the bible. You can illustrate them too.

Reading and times tables

Please read quietly/to someone.

Please practise your times tables – you could use Times Tables Rock Stars for this.