Home learning 22.11.21

We hope you all had a great weekend. Here are some activities to keep children who are self-isolating busy!


Today, we have been learning to count in tens and looking for patterns in the numbers that we say. Can you count in tens? Use Paint the Squares to count in tens from 0 – 100. Highlight the numbers as you say them. What do you notice about all of these numbers? Can you write these numbers down in order? You may want to cut and stick the multiples of 10 using this sheet: counting in tens


The children completed some independent writing today, retelling the Nativity story. If you haven’t already, watch this short animation of the story of Christmas: The First Christmas 

Have a go at verbally retelling this story to an adult before writing some sentences to retell it. For those children who may find this tricky, try to sound out the names of all the animals who may have been in the stable that special night!


Today, the children have learnt the grapheme ‘o-e’. Enjoy watching Mr Thorne explain this and join in with sounding out the words you see: o-e grapheme

What o-e words can you find in this picture? Make sure you spell them using this spelling pattern! find the o-e words

Today is a great day for looking for early signs of winter. Why not go for a refreshing walk. Have a look at the trees. Do they still have their leaves?

Have a great day, everyone, and we hope to see you soon.