Home learning 19.11.21

Here are some activities for anyone needing to self-isolate today.

This morning, we practised our nativity play. If you know your line, please practise saying it until you know it off by heart. Don’t forget that when you come back to school, you will need to have a cowboy/girl costume for the play. Please bring this to school in a named bag. Thanks.


These are our new spellings for next week:

Yellows: ring, sang, long, wing, bang, out

Greens: sea, tea, pea, teach, cheat, you

Blues: teacher, reaching, streams, steamy, cheater, some


Revise what you know about 2D shapes. Can you find items around your house that are the following shapes? A square, a rectangle, a circle and a triangle. How do you know that the item is that shape? How many sides are there? Are they straight or curved? How many corners are there? Are all the sides the same length?


If you haven’t already, have a go at the ‘home row’ option on Dance Mat Typing.

You may also wish to have a go at using Word (or similar) to try typing your name and those names of people in your family.


This afternoon was PE. Have a go at joining in with this dance session all about animals in autumn: BBC Let’s Move

Have a great weekend everyone and we’ll hopefully see you soon. x