Thursday 17th November

Hello everybody,

Here is your work for today.

Please can you practise your spellings for tomorrow’s test.

In maths we are continuing with our work on division.  Using the same sharing strategy as yesterday, have a go at these questions.

Wednesday Division

We have been trying hard to learn our times and division facts.  Have a go on ‘Hit the Button’.  See if you can learn you times and divide facts for the 10 and 2 times tables.

In English we are completing a reading comprehension. Choose the most suitable level for you.

The Great Fire of London reading comprehension

This afternoon we are going to find out about Samuel Pepys.  He kept a diary and wrote all about the Great Fire of London.

Watch this episode.

When Samuel Pepys was writing his diary, he wrote in code. Can you make up your own code for each letter of the alphabet? write someone a message – see if they can decode it.

We are using a grid like this to help us.

This afternoon we are going to practise our nativity. Please can you practise saying your nativity words in a big, loud, clear voice.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Mrs Pope x