Home learning 17.11.21

Here are today’s home learning activities for those of you self-isolating.

As it is assessment week, the day looks a little different to the usual! In addition, we have also been practising the nativity performance. Don’t worry if your child has missed an assessment as they will have chance to do this when they return.


The children started with a nativity practice first thing this morning. What can you remember about this story? It is the first story in the New Testament and tells us all about Baby Jesus being born. Enjoy listening to the story: Nativity story

Can you remember the ‘characters’ in the story? Who are the most important people?


Today we were comparing today’s toys with the toys that parents and grandparents used to play with. If you haven’t got the answers to the questions you wrote in your booklet already (this is in your reading wallet), can you ask an adult them today and write down what they tell you?

Watch the clip 100 years of toys with an adult. Which of the toys do they remember?! Can you sort the pictures of toys into those that you would play with, those a parent would have played with and those a grandparent would have played with? You may want to use the timeline to put the toys in order. At the start of the timeline, please write ‘Grandparents’, in the middle write ‘Parents’ and at the end (on the right hand side) write ‘me’! toys timeline


This afternoon, the children have completed a maths assessment. The focus of this assessment was addition and subtraction. Use this online game to practise your adding: addition to 10 and this one to practise subtraction: subtraction to 10

Have a great day everyone. x