
Good morning to all the lovely people working at home.

I will be adding work to the website daily so that you can see what we are doing in school.


This week we are looking at division by sharing.

We have talked about the calculations and told ourselves a little story.  Here my calculations story is: ‘I have 12 apples and I need to share them with my 3 friends.  I will give each friend one until I run out of apples.  I need to check that each of my friends has the same amount of apples but I only count one set.’

Have a go at the sheet below – choose the sheet most suitable for you.  Make sure you draw the circles to share the dots into.  For each calculation, you could make up your own story.

Tuesday Division Sums

For our English today, we read a newspaper report about the Great Fire of London.  I haven’t got a copy of this online so I have taken a photo of our text.  I hope you can see it clearly enough.  We read the text through and talked about any words we were unsure of.  We discussed the job of a news paper and why they are important.

Newspaper text Example

This afternoon we are focusing on history.

Watch this video of London before the fire.  What do you notice?

Now watch this video about the fire.


Today we are going to play a little game of ‘eye-spy’.  We have been talking about how we know about things that have happened in the past.  Here are 2 pictures that were drawn near to the time of the fire.  What do you notice?   Write your ideas around the outside of the picture.

I spy pictures

I hope you are all feeling much better very soon.  If you need anything, just let me know.

Mrs Pope x