Home learning 10.11.21

Here are the activities for those needing to self-isolate.

First, practise your spellings and read some of your reading book.

Forest School/ Outdoor Maths

Today in Forest School we did some measuring in the woods using our handspans and talked about how different people may find different measurements because all of our hands are slightly different sizes! We decided it would be better to use a ruler to measure in centimetres. This is called a standard unit of measure. When we measure with a ruler, it is very important to make sure we place the ruler at the start of the thing we want to measure so our results are accurate. If you have a ruler at home, look at the numbers on it. What is the highest number? If it is a 30cm ruler, have a look around your house for things that may be the same width, length or height as the ruler. When you have done that, can you find something that is less than 30cm?


Today we were writing questions for our parents and grandparents to find out what sorts of toys and games they played with when they were little. What does a question end in? Can you write three questions? Remember to use a capital letter to start your questions.

Now ask an adult your questions. Can you write down what they say? You could have fun googling (with an adult) these toys to see what they looked like!


Today, the children were using clay to make models. This is very tricky to do at home! You may have designed something to make last week. If you have playdough or clay, you may want to try and make your model. Here is a recipe for making playdough if you want to! playdough

Alternatively, you may want to make an autumn collage using natural materials like leaves and pine cones. You could also have fun with junk modelling materials and make an autumn sculpture.

Have a super day! x