Home learning 9.11.21

Here is the home learning for today for anyone needing to self-isolate.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings and to read your reading book!


Today, the class were measuring different lengths and widths of things around the classroom choosing whether to measure in handspans or in strides. Find a door, a window or a picture in your house. How many handspans wide is it? Remember that a handspan is the distance from the tip of your thumb to the tip of your smallest finger when your hand is stretched. Now measure the length of the hallway in your house in strides using your legs. How many strides long is it? Can you find other things around the house that you can measure in this way? Can you think of any problems measuring like this? What if an adult does the measuring using their handspan or strides? Do they get the same measurement as you do?!


Watch this video all about owls (Thank you Mrs Copsey!). What new, amazing information have you learnt about owls that you didn’t know already? Think back to the questions you wrote yesterday. Have any of these questions now been answered from watching the video? Write down three amazing facts that you have learnt! Owl video


We have been looking at the graphemes ‘wh’ and ‘ph’. Tell an adult what sounds these make and join in reading the words on this short clip: wh and ph 

You could try writing some of them too, if an adult dictates them to you.


Today was PE. Join in (as best you can) with the second of the BBC dance routines: BBC Let’s Move

Have a lovely day and see you soon! x