Home learning 6.11.21

Here are the activities for anyone having to self-isolate.

First, make sure you practise this week’s spellings. These were posted on Saturday’s web post if you need to see the list of words.


Today in English we were learning about question marks. Start by watching the video and have a go at the activity with an adult: BBC Bitesize question marks

What would you like to find out about owls that you don’t already know? Can you write three really good questions to ask an expert? Make sure you start with a capital letter and use a question mark at the end. Practise reading your questions out in front of an adult or sibling.


Today, the children made apple crumble and it was delicious (I have sampled it!) We talked about Seasonal food. You can watch this clip Seasonal food to find out more. Can you help an adult prepare a meal? This might be something like a fruit salad where you can practise – under supervision – using a peeler or a knife to chop with. Remember to wash your hands and the fruit first.


Due to cooking today, the children did not get onto doing maths. Can you do some practical counting? This could be counting your teddies or counting the stairs. Once you have counted then see if you can count back down to zero.