Spellings and home learning 5.11.21

Hi everyone,

Apologies for the lack of home learning on the website yesterday. I was off school myself with a dreadful cold. Below are some activities for those who were unable to attend school yesterday.

As a result of being off myself, I was unable to issue spellings so the children will receive these on Monday morning. If you like to get a head start on practising, then the words that will be given out are below. The colours refer to the sheet colour that your child has in school. Hopefully they should know what colour they are. If not, most children have the green spellings with higher ability having blue spellings and lower ability having the yellow sheets.

Yellow spellings (children who find sounding out tricky): shin, ship, shop, mash, rush, posh

Green spellings (most children): out, shout, loud, found, about, was

Blue spellings (higher/very confident): outfit, shouting, louder, prouder, roundabout, there

Home learning

On Friday, the children would have done their spelling test using the words they practised last week. Test your child on their spellings without them peeking at any of the words! If the test was completely independent and you have the yellow spelling folder at home, feel free to record the score on the score sheet.


Think back to the story of ‘Owl Babies’ and how worried the babies were because Mummy Owl had left. Do you think it may have been a good idea for her to have left them a note?! What would she have said in this note? She probably would have told them that she was off hunting and that she would be back soon. Can you pretend to be Mummy Owl and write the note to the owlets? Start with ‘Dear Sarah, Percy and Bill’ and finish with ‘from (or love) Mummy’.


In maths, we have been talking about non-standard measures. This means measuring with something like cubes or handspans (and not rulers or tape measures yet!). Find items around your house and measure their length or height using your forearm, handspan and finger! measuring in body parts!


Did you see any fireworks last night? What is your favourite firework? Have fun (and do your best if you don’t have a partner!) joining in with this dance routine from the BBC. Let’s Move – Fireworks


We are learning to use a computer/laptop keyboard. If you have access to a computer, have a go at the activities labelled next to ‘1 – Home Row’ on Dance Mat Typing

Have a lovely weekend, everyone. x