Home learning 3.11.21

Here is the home-learning for those self-isolating.

Spellings and Reading

Practice your spellings and read your reading book.

In Letters and Sounds today, we have been looking at words with ir in them, e.g. stir, girl, birthday, third, bird, dirt. Can you think of a sentence using one of these words?

Forest School

We went out to Forest School today so try and get out in your garden if you can and spot the signs of Autumn. You may enjoy using this sheet: pdf_autumn_spotter_sheet


We began our unit on measuring today. We did lots of activities including making shorter, longer and even longer play-dough caterpillars and measuring ribbons against a given amount of cubes. What does it mean if something is long? Can you find something around your house that is really long?! Now try finding something that is super short! What about something that is somewhere in the middle? Have a look at the trains on this sheet and see if you can answer the questions: comparing train lengths


We are looking at Toys in our History unit this half-term. Today, we talked about our favourite toys. Ask everyone in your house what their favourite toys are or were when they were little. You can talk about what they are made from and what they do. What is your favourite toy and why? How does this toy work? Does it move? How? Does it need batteries? What is it made of? What colour is it? Is there a reason why it is this colour?


We began looking at Sculptures in Art today. We planned what we would like to make out of clay in our Art lessons. You could plan yours too. It could be anything you like.

Sculpture is 3D artwork. Sculptures can be shaping materials such as clay, metal, wood, stone or ice or they can be made by putting materials together. Can you make a sculpture out of household objects at home or out of your recycling?

Have a lovely day and see you soon.