Home learning 2.11.21

Here are the home learning tasks for those of you having to self-isolate.

Start by practising your spellings!


Today we have been looking at word problems involving addition and subtraction. Can you solve the problems on the sheet? What could you use to help you? Maybe a number line again (see yesterday’s post for the interactive, online number line) or anything that serves as counters (dried pasta is good!). au-n-389-addition-and-subtraction-to-10-word-problem-challenge-cards-_ver_1


Do you know what these words mean?






These are all words that would be found in ‘Owl Babies’.

Today, the children looked for capital letters and full stops in the story. Can you hunt for these in one of your books at home? Where do you find capital letters? Are they just at the start of sentences?

Your next task is to write a few sentences using capital letters and full stops. Using the words above, can you put each one into a full sentence? Confident writers may wish to use ‘and’ to make their sentences longer.


In PSHE today we were talking about similarities and differences in people and how it is good that we are all different! Think about three of your best friends. Which things about your friends are similar? Maybe they all go to Pontesbury Primary School! See if you can think of 5 things that are similar and then 5 differences. Do you all have the same hair and eye colour?! Do you all like the same foods?! Enjoy watching this lovely story about being ‘different’. Bedtime Stories

Have a lovely day! x