PE Changes and other things!

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely half term.

Hopefully you have all received a text to say that our PE days are changing.  They are now Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please can the children come to school wearing the PE kits.  On Wednesdays, the children will be outside with the PE coaches.  They will need warm, waterproof clothing as the weather is getting colder.

Just before half term, we sent home a spelling pack.  These are for you to keep at home and uses as you wish to support your children.  If they want to bring them into school to show us some of their amazing work, that’s great but we don’t need to see them.

Finally, just a couple of reminders. The children need to bring their red Spelling Books into school on Fridays.  This is so they can stick their new spellings into them.

Please can the children only bring water into school in their water bottles.  They may have squash for lunch in their lunchbox but only water is allowed in the classroom.

Thank you,

Mrs Pope