Home learning 1.11.21

Here are the activities for anyone needing to self-isolate.


Today we have been using number lines to help us work out problems involving missing numbers. Watch the video to remind you how a number line works: number line video

Work out the answers to the questions, ideally using a number line to help you. Here is an interactive one: interactive number line

Where the questions involve ‘finding a difference’, start on the first number and jump in ones to the number after the equals sign. This is your missing number!

Plant Problems

Here are some challenging problems for those of you confident with numbers past 10:

addition and subtraction challenges


In English today, the children have started to look at the story of ‘Owl Babies’. Do you know anything already about owls?

Enjoy listening and watching the story: Owl Babies story

Do you remember the ‘ow’ grapheme? How many other words do you know that have this sound and spelling pattern in them? Using the picture of the owl, can you label the different parts? labelling_of_owl Yellow (easier) labelling_of_owl G & B (harder)

We have practised our spellings today, too.


We did a little science assessment today based on some of the work we did on Everyday Materials. Can you revise what some objects are made from? Pick 6 objects at home and tell an adult what they are made of and why this material has been used.

Remember to read your reading book too!

We hope to see you soon.

Mrs Smout and Ms Vincent x