Home learning 22.10.21

Here are the activities for those of you having to self-isolate.


Start with asking an adult to test you on your spellings. These will be in your yellow folder. How many can you get right without peeking?!

Can you sing the alphabet? For each of the letters of the alphabet, can you write the lower case letter and the capital version? It may help if an adult displays these for you as you write them. This poster may help you: letter display


In maths, we looked again at ‘finding the difference’. Look at the towers on the different cards and try to answer the questions. You could try making these towers yourself. Which is bigger? By how many more is it bigger? Repeat this for some different examples until you grow confident talking about the difference in amounts (for example: one tower has three bricks and the other has 8. The difference then is 5, because 8 is 5 more than 3). t-n-7479-building-brick-towers-find-the-difference-posters


We were talking about fabrics today and trying to learn some names of different types. We learnt the names cotton, felt, net, polyester, wool and silk. Have a look around your house. What fabrics can you find? How do they feel? Can you name them with the help of an adult?

Have a super half term everyone.

Ms Vincent x