Home learning 21.10.21

Here are the activities for anyone self-isolating today.


Our maths today involved looking at ‘finding the difference’. Lots of us found this very tricky! Start by watching this short video: find the difference

Have a go at the questions on the sheet using the example to help you. How many jumps ‘fill the gap’ between the number that is the flower and the number where the bee is? find the difference


Today we learnt ‘ie’ as in ‘pie’. Can you sound out and write these words?

lie, tie, cried, fried, spied

How many ‘ie’ words can you find in this phoneme spotter story? You may need an adult to read the postcard to you. t-l-54792-ie-phoneme-spotter-postcard


We looked at the inside of a gurdwara using this fabulous website: https://www.gurunanakdarbar.org/virtual-tour

We then used junk materials or construction equipment to make either a model of the outside of the gurdwara or one of the rooms inside. Some of us decided to make the raised platform and canopy where the Sikh holy book is kept. See if you can make your own model!

We hope to see you soon!

Ms Vincent x