Home learning 20.10.21

Here are the activities for anyone having to self-isolate.


Today in maths, we looked again at addition and how it can be done in any order. Practise using small toys to add two small amounts together (within a total of 10). Can you write the matching number sentence to show what you are adding? What if you start with the second group of toys and do it that way around? What would this number sentence look like? What do you notice?!


Our focus today in Geography has been sustainability and ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. Can you have a chat with an adult about what this means? Have a look at the rubbish in your house. What rubbish could go in the recycling box instead of the rubbish bin? What are these items made out of?

Make a poster to inform people how important it is to ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’. Make sure it is eye-catching!


Today we have been making mini pizzas on a wrap base. Maybe you would like to do this activity too or help to make a sandwich? Can you chop, slice or grate different items for your pizza or sandwich? Make sure you are very careful and that an adult is watching at all times!


We have been learning ‘ay’ as in ‘play’, ‘stay’ and ‘way’. You may enjoy playing ‘Buried Treasure’ on PhonicsPlay: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/5/buried-treasure Make sure you choose ‘Phase 5’ and ‘ay’.

Here is a phoneme spotter postcard which you may also enjoy. How many ‘ay’ words can you find? ay phoneme spotter

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Smout and Ms Vincent