Home Learning 5.10.21


Today we have recapped the method for short multiplication using the formal written method.  (This means setting out in columns – not the grid method.

We have also talked about trying to place any tens or hundreds that we have carried just above the line so that we don’t have numbers in the boxes that may confuse us when we move onto long multiplication tomorrow.

Please have a go at the homework sheet and look at the example on the sheet carefully to help you.  It is so important that you are confident with your times tables facts so please practise on TTrockstars too.

Short multiplication home learning


Today we followed on with our instructions for ‘How to survive at Pontesbury Primary School’ with writing our own independent instructions for ‘How to survive a week at Arthog.   You should have completed your plan on Friday so now it is over to you to do your best piece of writing, showing off all of the skills you have learned.


Please read your reading book.


This afternoon we continued our work on scratch please go to ilearn2  and enter the activity code A324 to have a go at creating a football game.