Home learning for Monday 4th October

If you are having to learn from home here are the activities for you to try.

For maths warm up with practising your Times tables. This week we are looking at fractions for the main part of our lessons. Work through this Homework sheet. For further help use the Support sheet.

For English make sure you read a book at home as much as possible. If there are any words you don’t understand then get a dictionary and check their meaning. We have been working on stories from other cultures. Have a read of The Cat and the Mouse. In this story are lots of prepositions. Look at some more using classify prepositions and then use the Classify Prepositions sheet to sort them.

For PSHE we are looking at resolving conflicts. Look at the How can you help friendship scenario cards and try to answer them.

For history we are continuing our work on the Benin Kingdom. Look at the Lesson 5 Powerpoint and try to answer the questions.