Updated Covid-19 PCR Testing Guidance (28/09/2021)

Please see the updated guidance from the Local Authority that we will be following as of today:

PCR testing
All household contacts of a confirmed case (PCR positive) should undertake a PCR test, with or without symptoms, and remain home until a negative PCR is returned.  This means that pupils who have a household contact who is a confirmed case (PCR positive) should be recommended to take a PCR test and not attend school while awaiting the result.  If the PCR result is negative, then pupils should be recommended to have a further PCR test after 4 or 5 days as a precaution. They can continue to attend the setting when waiting on the second PCR result.

All close contacts of confirmed cases (PCR positive) are also recommended to take a PCR test but unless they have any of the 3 main symptoms of COVID-19 or any of the precautionary symptoms, they can continue to attend the setting when waiting on results of the PCR.

Anyone with the 3 main symptoms or the precautionary symptoms (even if they are not a close contact of a confirmed case) are recommended to get a PCR test and only return to school after a negative result. They should also consider contacting 111 for medical advice if required because these symptoms are not unique to COVID-19.