Home schooling for Tuesday

If any of you are at home on Tuesday and are well enough to complete the work it is detailed below.

For morning maths complete the following:

2/3 + 2/3,   3/8 – 1/8,   61/10,  147/100,  96/4

We will continue with multiplying by 9. Try the following sheet.

For English we are looking at words that have been introduced into our language from other cultures. Look at the words that have been listed in Words from Other Cultures home school.

Try to find the meaning of these words and which language they came from.

For RE we are continuing to look at the five pillars of Islam. Look at the Sawm PowerPoint then try the Sawm Diary Entry Activity Sheet.

In the afternoon we will be continuing with our art topic of street art. If you would like to create your own street art that would be great.

During the rest of the day remember to read your books. You can also practise your times tables

I hope that you feel well soon and I look forward to seeing you back in class.

Mr Morris