Home Learning 23.9.21

Hello, for those of you who are isolating at home but are well enough to do some work we will post some class work on our page.

If you do not have a printer, just do what you can – copy out questions onto paper etc.

This week we have been trying some old SATs papers just to find our where we are at and what we will need to work on over the year.  There is no pressure at all it’s just really helpful for me and Mrs Davies for our planning and actually it’s made many children realise that the SATs papers are just like tests they have done before and not some big scary new thing!

Today I’d like you to try the little tests I’ve uploaded. You can bring them back to school with you when you return.  Please just do what you can.  Leave out any questions you’re not sure about and just show us what you can do and the methods you know.



If you’re feeling less confident, there is a Year 5 paper to try to get you back in the swing of things!



Please try the punctuation and grammar test below.  Remember to read the question carefully and check all your answers make sense and sound right.

Paper 1 PaG

Please also find time to read your reading book.


We have begun our topic on the Industrial Revolution.

We discussed how this was a period of great change for our country.  Please read through the Powerpoint below and try the questions.  We also watched clips of the opening ceremony from London 2012 as the beginning of this ceremony demonstrated and symbolised the changes in many parts of our country.

lesson 1

Opening Ceremony

We also had PE today so please try to get some exercise if you are well enough.