What a super week

What a fantastic start the children have made to Year 5. They have come in with a smile on their faces and are eager to learn. I am very pleased with all of them.

On Friday we completed an arithmetic test. We started with a Year 4 test as the children have only just started Year 5 and have only had one week of maths lessons. This will happen every Friday. If you ask your child they should be able to tell you how they got on. To view the test just click here. Please don’t worry about a score but look for the improvement over time. I did a similar thing last year and over the term all of the children progressed.

Next week for maths we will be working on addition and subtraction. If you can help support them with this it would be great. On the information tab on the top of Room 7 class page is the letter I wrote last week. There is a link there for a site called edplace. This will certainly help them with addition and subtraction and can be tailored to all abilities.

A reminder that our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we have another super week next week.

Mr. Morris
