Welcome back!!

Hello to all the lovely Year 2s!

I hope you have had a great summer holiday and are ready for all the exciting things we have planned. We are all really excited to see you back in school on Monday.

Here is a little bit of information just to help you get started:

  •   Our PE days will be on a Monday and a Friday.  Please can you come to school wearing your school PE kit on those days.  ( We will not  do PE on Monday 6th but we will do it on Friday 10th)
  • We will try very hard to give everyone a reading book in the first couple of days back. Please can you read to an adult at home every night.  When you have finished your book, please bring it back into school so we can give you a new one to read.
  • Spellings will be given out on a Friday.  You will have a Spelling Book to glue them into in school and then take them home to practise.  Please can you bring your  Spelling Book back into school every Friday so that we can do your spelling test in it and glue in new spellings.  People at home will be able to see your amazing spelling scores as we do the test in the back of the book each week.
  • Every Tuesday afternoon we will try to do a little bit of gardening in our veggie patch. You don’t need to bring anything in for that except a coat if it looks like rain.
  • On Monday morning give your adult a huge, big hug and come in through our garden gate.  Pop your coat or bag on your peg (look out for your name) and we’ll show you where lunch boxes go.  You can sit where you like and have a quiet chat with your friends until we have done the register.  There will some activities to do on the tables so you can get started with those until we are ready to begin.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to ask me a question. My email is charlotte.pope@ppce.co.uk

Mrs Pope x