Room 6 Home Learning Adventure

Dear Room 6,

As I am sure you will know we have one last day of school. It only seems fair that you get to have a day of fun like everyone else who is still in school. So I won’t be posting any work for you today. I’d like to thank Mrs Glover who has been setting the work for you this last week. I have loved receiving your completed work and sending my comments. I wanted you to know that just because Mrs Gwyther is off school that someone was checking your work and appreciating just how hard you were trying in what I know are difficult circumstances. Both for you and whoever has been your home tutor. We appreciate you all!

It’s been a lovely mix of work for me to look at. I particularly enjoyed the co-ordinates and the self portrait challenge yesterday so if you haven’t already sent me your self portrait it isn’t too late I’d love to see it!

We are very sad that you haven’t been able to finish your year in Room 6, we all very much hope that School Year 2021/2022 is back to normal for you all (and us) it has certainly been a challenge.

We are sorry you can’t be at our big picnic this lunchtime – you will all be missed. I do hope you can have your own picnic in the garden at home with your sun cream / hat / sunglasses. Hopefully we’ve all learned more about being safe in the sun after this week’s lessons. Your picnic may even better than ours if you have a paddling pool or even a bucket to put your feet in. I don’t mind if you want to send photos to make me envious!

Finally I do hope you have a wonderful summer, staying safe, and having lots of fun with your friends and families.

We look forward to seeing you in Room 7 next year. Mr Morris is in for a treat, I’m not sure he knows yet what wonderful brains and different skills you all have!


love from Mrs Andrew