Friday 16 July – Room 6 home learning

Friday 16th July 2021

It’s Friday! Well done for your week of home learning, we have some fun things planned for you today.



BBC 9 x table rap  Table Rap

Paper / Pencil


Have a look at the rap for the 9x table. Can you write a rap of your own for another x table?

You can write it out or even create a video of yourself performing it.

Good luck.




Alien artwork ideas information pack (see resources list included in this) Aliens-Craft-Instructions



Today’s English lesson is to design and write about your own alien.

You can use the finger and hand print guide or completely design your own alien.

After you have finished your artwork, I would like you to create a fact file on your alien. As well as coming up with a unique name, try and think of some interesting sub headings to write information about. Such as; home planet, special powers, unique features, diet, a day in the life of, amazing fact etc.

Have fun with your alien challenge.




Handwriting sheets for ‘a’ and ‘b’ (if printing please remember to only print the pages you need) Mindfulness Booklet



Complete the handwriting activity, either on the sheet of copying out the join again on a separate piece of paper.


Have a great day.