Thursday 15 July – Room 6 home learning

Thursday 15th July 2021

You have all been working so hard on your home learning….keep it up!



PowerPoint describing movement  PowerPoint – Describe Movement on a Grid

Horizontal Version – Describe Movement on a Grid

Translation of shapes worksheets  Worksheet


Work through the PowerPoint which then links to the worksheets provided. Again, each activity gets progressively harder so complete as many as you can.




Electricity comprehension  Electricity




Today’s English lesson follows on from the science work on electivity which we started yesterday. The focus for today is a reading comprehension. Please read the information carefully before answering the questions. When you answer the questions, try and write in a full sentence using the words in the question to help structure your answer.


Physical Education


Joe Wicks five-minute workout  Workout



Task 1- Start your PE lesson by watching and joining in with the Joe Wicks 5 minute workout. Try and keep moving for the full 5 minutes.

Task 2- Now it is your time to create your own workout. Plan out between 8-10 different moves and write these in the order that you want them to be completed.

You can either do the workout on your own or ask another member of your household to join in. Remember, you are the instructor so you need to offer words on encouragement and explain and demonstrate each move carefully.

Have fun and keep moving!