Work for Room 6

Hello to all the lovely Year 4s.

Here are some ideas for work that you could be doing whilst you are isolating at home.  You can pick and choose the order you do them in, what and when, just make sure you have fun while you are learning.

Mrs Glover will also be posting English and Maths activities for you so watch this space!


We know you have been finding out about the Vikings,  here is the BBC bitesize link.

BBC Bitesize Viking topic

Alongside this, here is a PowerPoint, it have some thought provoking information.

Vikings intro

Here is the book to be done alongside the PowerPoint.

lesson 1 – timeline worksheet

lesson 2 – Vikings fact file

lesson 3 – family life worksheet

Now perhaps you can design your own Viking flag.

For your art work, you were going to draw and paint the monsters carved on the front of Viking boats.  Here are a few pictures to give you some ideas.  Have a good look at these and then design your own.


Watch this video.

Can you:

  • write a diary of the boy’s day.
  • Turn the story of the song into a written narrative.
  • write a newspaper report about the events.
  • write the prequel

Have a little look at this lovely short film.

Can you:

  • write a character description of the DreamGiver.
  • re-write the story as a narrative.
  • write your own narrative of a dream.
  • describe the setting

Here is a biography of Charles Dickens.

Can you:

  • write a biography about Charles Dickens.
  • find out about the books he wrote, some of them you may of heard of before – maybe you could watch Oliver Twist.
  • Write your own story set in the past.

Your D&T is making Carrot and Coriander Soup.

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Here is a recipe for you to follow,  I hope it tastes good.  You could always make some bread rolls to go with your delicious soup.

For your Maths, you are going to be looking at division.  Here are your sheets.

Maths Lesson 1

Maths Lesson 2

Maths Lesson 3

Maths Lesson 4

Maths Lesson 5

Here is your ICT.

You will need the code 1J77 to access it.

For your PE, as you can’t go out of your garden, you might want to make an obstacle course, have a game of hide and seek, practise your football, tennis or bike riding skills.  Or you could have a little go at one of the videos below.