The end of term

Dear Parents,

I really hope you know how much I have loved teaching each child over the last two years. I have never taught the same class over a two year period  before but couldn’t have had a better class to do this with. I really appreciate all of your help and support over these two years too. In an ideal world I would have met up with lots of you. This has not been an option over the last couple of years. I do have a proposal to try to rectify this though. Next week the children have Arthog. We then move to our last week. As a school it will look really bad if there were lots of adults in school just after restrictions are lifted in the 19th. So my proposal is on the last day of term that any parents that would like to chat together and catch up meet somewhere together. I would suggest the Nags Head. Children will have lots of space to run around and parents can have a chat. I am fully aware that some of you will have reservations because of COVID worries and understand you might not be keen on this. I am just trying to give an opportunity for parents to meet if they wish. If you have questions about this please get in touch. Thanks Mr Morris