01.07.21 Home Learning

Those children who are self-isolating at home, have a go at these tasks.

English 1

We were due to do a writing assessment today. Can you spend 5 or 10 minutes telling an adult everything you can remember about plants? What sorts of flowers can you name? Can you name the parts of a plant or a tree? Do you remember that we said that bees are really important to have in our garden? Why are they important? How do they help us? Can you spend about 20 minutes or so writing down some of these ideas as full, interesting sentences? Remember what sentences need to start and end with! When you have written your sentences, read back through your work and check you can read every word.


Enjoy a relaxed story time with an adult. Speak about any characters in the story. Did you like the story? Why did you like/dislike it?

Have a snack break

English 2

Session 2 of English will be a comprehension activity. Honeybee Comprehension 

We are learning about honeybees and trying to answer some questions on them using a non-chronological report. If you find reading the report challenging, work with an adult and discuss each question as you work through the sheet.

Tell an adult the fact about honeybees that you liked the most. If you are confident once you have answered the questions, can you identify any features of the non-chronological report that you have read today?


In phonics we are covering alternative pronunciations for /ay/.

Spend 5-10 minutes working with an adult playing this game. Phonics game for /ay/

Have a quick break for a drink 


Today we are learning about animals and their babies. Watch and listen to a reading of ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson. Monkey Puzzle

Work with an adult and go through the PowerPoint which helps us to learn about Animals and their babies. Do you know any names of adult animals and the baby animals? For example. An adult female cow is called a Cow, but an adult male cow is called a Bull. A baby cow is called a Calf. Animals and their babies

Finally, work with an adult to identify which animals are born from an egg and which animals are not born from an egg. Do you know any animals that come from an egg already? Where do all of us children and adults come from? Animals- Egg or Not Egg

Have a great day guys and hopefully see you soon!

Mr Tipton