Home Learning – 29.6.21

English today we will be doing our assessed writing.  So today I’d like you to practise your story writing.  You could use the picture below and story starter from Pobble 365 as inspiration for your story or you can make up your own.

The Miniature Castle story starter

Try to remember 

A range of punctuation CL . ? ! ,

Paragraphs for each new section of your story.

Exciting adjectives, verbs and adverbs to make your writing appealing to the reader.

Use the rules of punctuating speech ” ” around what is said our loud.  , ! or ? at end of speech but before ”   a reporting clause to tell me who said it, how they said it and what they were doing at the time.


Have a go at a little maths test and see how you get on.

Today I have given you an arithmetic test.  This just concentrates on the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Please use the space to do your working out.  Please think carefully about all the methods we have practised this year.


If you don’t have a printer just copy out each question one at a time and work it out on the paper underneath.

Shadow Puppets 

Please continue making your puppets for your puppet show.

Please read and practise your spellings too.