Home Learning 25.6.21


Today we finished our play scripts for the story of Perseus and Medusa.  Please continue your play script and try to get it finished.  You can email your script if you’ve done it on a computer or bring it in to school with you next week.  We’d love to read them.


Today we looked at dividing by partitioning using our multiplication and division facts.

So if we know that 6 divided by 3 = 2 then 60 divided by 3 = 20

If you need to do 69 divided by 3

You partition 69 into 60 and 9 then divide 60 by 3 = 20 and then 9 divided by 3 = 3  so together 69 divided by 3 = 23

Try this partitioning method to work out these questions.

88 divided by 4 =                              63 divided by 3  =                            84  divided by 2 =

96 divided by 3 =                              64 divided by 2 =                            99 divided by 3 =


Please read your book and ask an adult to test you on your spellings.

Please also practise your times tables.

This afternoon we finished our safety posters for building site safety.   You can do yours onto the large poster paper next week if you’d like to enter the competition.