Room 4 Pontesford Hill Walk

Dear Parents of Room 4,

I am very excited to let you know that we have planned a walk up Pontesford Hill for Thursday 15th July. We do this trip every year and it’s always such a positive way to end the year, spending the day chatting to and being with the children.

On this day, please send children into school wearing their usual, sensible, Forest School clothes and shoes that are suitable for walking in, no wellies please. As we will be spending the whole day up the hill, we will be taking a packed lunch with us. Please could every Reception pupil order their picnic lunch order using the form below (whether they are ordering a paid school dinner OR indicating on the form that your child will be bringing a home packed lunch with them that day instead).

Packed Lunch Order Form

It is important to make sure that all children have plenty of water to drink throughout the day too.

Children will need to wear suncream and a sunhat, or a waterproof coat, depending on the weather. Please check the weather before getting your child dressed and packing their bag in the morning.

Children will need to carry their own belongings with them, so please put their lunch, water bottle, sunhat and / or coat in a rucksack for the day. A rucksack with thick straps is easier and much more comfortable for children to carry for the day than one with a drawstring.

This is always our favourite day of the year and we are really looking forward to it!

Kind regards,

Miss Roberts

We need everyone’s information to be submitted by Friday 2nd July at the latest please so our lovely kitchen staff can order in the correct amount of food.  Thank you!