Home Learning – Wednesday 23.6.21


Today we started to write our playscripts for Perseus and Medusa.

Please print the sheet if you can or just write out in the same format.

.Perseus and Medusa -storyboard


You should have done you characters and the scene, now its time to start the dialogue.

So we decided that King Polydectes would speak first.

KIng Polydectes: (Begging.) Please will you marry me Danae?  I love you so much.  I                                                 am the king and I could give you anything you ever wanted.

Danae: (Putting her head in her hands.) No!  I’ve told you a million times, I will NOT                                                                        marry you!

And so on… Please watch to video clip to help you. From 1:15 onwards.  The storyboard will help too.

Perseus and Medusa


Please use the grid method to solve these problems,  You can move to challenge 2 or 3 if you are confident and you are whizzing through.  Please remember to work it out using the grid method – not the method in the textbook example.

Textbook page

Afternoon French – We practised the months of the year and saying our birthdays in French so please have a practise.

Mon anniversaire c’est le number followed by month

We were also asked to design a poster for the building site opposite reminding children tkeep out of the site and to stay safe.  The winning poster will be enlarged, laminated and displayed on the fence around the site for all to see.  If you’d like to design a poster and send in a picture we can send it off too.