This week

As I posted a week ago this week has seen the children complete some old SATs papers as all Secondary Schools requested this. I have now told the children how they got on. These scores will not be sent out to parents as the government have said that this year’s results will not be reported on. If you wish to find out how your child got on I am happy to tell you if you send me an email. The children have been told their scores though. Lots of children have done brilliantly and scored well with some children being disappointed with their score. Please be aware that for these purposes a score of 100 is considered as an expected score and a score of 110 is considered as greater depth. This would be fine in normal circumstances but we have not had normal circumstances. The children had disruptions in Year 5 and 6 to their normal school experience. Usually as the SATs approach the children would have lots of revision lessons to prepare them for the tests but this did not happen this year as the tests were cancelled.

Overall all of the children did really well this week and you should all be proud of how they have worked. On a personal note I was very impressed with their scores in reading. This impressive class had 80% who got an expected score and 40% who got a score of greater depth. Both of these scores were above the national average for schools who took the test properly the year these SATs were first completed.

A good week for super Year 6.

As always please get in touch if you have any questions at

Then FINALLY I can’t leave a post without saying how delighted I am with the first game of the football season with Leeds travelling to THEM. Hopefully after two years of putting up with me you will understand.

Mr Morris