Some fantastic writing examples from Room 2.

Over the course of last week and some of this week, Room 2 have been writing their own version of a Greek Myth. I just wanted to pop on here and write up a couple for people to see. Obviously, I can’t write up all 33 of you but these three really stood out for carefully condsidering their word choices to create an impressive piece about their mythical creature.


The fearless Phrentaur was a deadly was a deadly monstrosity. He had a muscular, ferocious body of a centaur, a powerful dragon tail and phoenix wings. At the end of his back, there was a vast, scaly tail with a triangular point at the end which was as sharp as a shard of glass. Placed in his hands, there was a wooden cross-bar with poison spread all over it. Ginormous, jet black wings sit on his back which could flatten you with one movement. But one feather was special. The flame feather. It burns anyone who touches it instantly.

Helena had heard of the myth and hope it wasn’t true but here she was, ready, as she strode off into the forest.


The destructive Fagoosa was a vicious beast. He had the powerful, muscly tentacle of the Cracken, the body of a phoenix and the scales of a snake. On his back, were two vast wings which pounded the air as it attacks you. On its head there are many snakes, writhing and snipping, shooting acid like a gun. But seven feathers were special. The 7 feathers which could tame it.

Hermione had heard the tales of the Fagoosa but hoped they weren’t true but here she was getting ready to go to the Crimson Beach.


The almighty Kludemonster was a monstrosity. He had a terrifying, powerful head of a tiger and the body of a human. On his giant like hands, he has obsidian coloured claws as sharp as a razor blade that could cut down a wooden house with a single swipe. Inside its horrifying, foul mouth, it has a poisonous, black tongue next to teeth like broken pieces of flint. The tongue can constrict around its victims and grow to 12 feet long. But one claw was extremely special. The diamond claw. It was enchanted and one touch of it would cause instant death.