A FREE hour-long online training session for parents of pre-teens – tonight or tomorrow!

For Mental Health Awareness Week – a FREE hour-long online session from the brilliant tried and tested Care For The Family. An event for parents of pre-and early teenage kids, ‘A Mind of their Own’ will equip you to support your children to grow into strong, resilient young people.  The online event will be held tonight (Wednesday 12th May) and tomorrow night (Thursday 13th May) so you can choose which you’d prefer.

A Mind of Their Own

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Watch anytime: 8.00 pm until midnight on 12, 13 May

Anxiety levels and poor mental health are on the rise in children and young people, and as a parent this can feel overwhelming … even at times debilitating. But there’s good news! You, as parents, have incredible power to help your children build strong emotional resilience and a healthy mental wellbeing.

Katharine Hill, Dr Rob Waller and Dr Kate Middleton will share practical and preventative tools to see your children through the difficult times, as well as build resilience to guard against anxiety and depression.