Welcome Back

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have made the most of the beautiful weather.

This half term we will still have PE on Wednesday, this time it will be with Mr Boffey.

We will not have Forest School this half term, but we will be doing some gardening and trying to make a nice little outdoor area for our class.  The children will not need a change of clothes for this activity.

If you have a plant pot or two spare at home (just plastic ones are fine) please can you send them in so that children can each plant a sunflower seed.  They will then be able to bring their plant home at the end of term – so long as they’re not too tall by then!

If anyone has any other planters or pots that you no longer need, I’m sure we would make very good use of them and they would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Mrs Hilditch