Mary Webb

Mary Webb have been in touch regarding some work they would like children to have the opportunity to complete if they are transferring to them in September.

Mrs Lee would normally have been visiting year 6 classes during the term with the STEAM roadshow, however this has sadly not been possible.
Attached are some resources for a “Virtual STEAM Roadshow”. The theme for this year’s roadshow is “The Skeleton” and she is asking students to create their own skeleton and do some research on it.
This is the direct link to the video she has created introducing the challenge:
The video is also available on the Mary Webb School website here:
Attached are some other resources; the original powerpoint (Skeleton Challenge) and a template Building a skeleton worksheet, as a starting point. Mrs Lee has asked me to share these with you.
Mary Webb have set up an email address,, for students to send their work to. If any work is completed please ensure full names and primary school name are including in the email that is sent in as there are going to be some prizes awarded.
This does NOT have to be completed it is just an opportunity for children that want to access the STEAM roadshow.