Our art for next week and some other things!!

Hello everyone,

All the children have been absolutely amazing this week.  It has been so nice having everybody in school.

If you find any of our reading books tucked away anywhere at home, please can we have them back.  Most people took 2 books home before Christmas and we haven’t had all of them back.  It means we are running a little short in school at the moment.

Our art next week is going to be based on our topic of Amazing Africa.  We are going to design, make and decorate African masks.  If you have any cardboard boxes (large or small) or news papers at home, we would really appreciate it if we could have and use them in school.

We are also going to be continuing our gardening on Tuesday.  If you have any old plastic pots, bags of soil, flower or vegetable seeds you aren’t going to use, we will certainly make use of them in school.

Have a really lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope