Reading books

Hi everyone,

We’ve had a super couple of days back. The children have settled back in brilliantly and there have been plenty of smiles all round!

Please can you make sure your child brings their reading wallet, reading book and reading record in every day? We will also be returning to spellings and you will be aware that your child brought home some spellings yesterday. These will be the spellings most suitable for your child, and please do not be concerned if they have ‘slipped’ groups. This is to be expected and no doubt they will soon catch up again. Spelling tests are every Friday morning.

I will be leaving the yellow tray outside the back door in the mornings. Can you please ask your child to put their reading wallet in there themselves as we want to encourage independence?

Finally, just a gentle reminder that children should not be playing on the equipment when they are waiting for the door to open in the morning.

Thank you!

Mrs Garcia