Well Done Everyone!

Well done everyone you have made it through another stint of home schooling!!! We really hope that this is the last time and we cannot wait to see all the children in school next week.   We hope they’re really excited to see each other and get back in, but we also realise some may be feeling a little anxious.  Please try to reassure them that we are planning lots of lovely activities over the next few weeks to get them settled back in and we’ve prepared a lovely warm welcome for Monday.

For the rest of this term, we will have forest school and gardening activities on a Tuesday morning.  Please come to school for the whole day in some warm, older clothes that you don’t mind getting a bit mucky and some old trainers is fine.  We will try to go out whatever the weather so please dress appropriately (layers are good!)  If you bring wellies or extra layers, please just bring in a named carrier bag.  These will stay outside under our veranda area – so please remind your child to collect them at the end of the day too.

We will have PE with the Crossbar coaches outside every Wednesday afternoon so please come in your PE kits for the whole day as before.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we can’t wait to see you all on Monday.  Parents – have a little celebration this evening too – you’ve earned it!!!

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x