Friday 5th March

Good morning everybody. Welcome come to your last day of home learning.  We are all so excited to see you in school on Monday.  I hope you are feeling excited too.

This morning, for maths, I’d like you to warm your brains up with of our favourite games!  Funky Mummy.  Today I’d like you to practise your 2,3,5,10 times tables.  You can choose to practise one at a time or all of them at once.

Now I’d like you to have a look at this PowerPoint about bar charts.

Please can you choose and complete either sheet 1 or sheet 2.  Sheet 2 is a little more tricky.

Friday Maths PowerPoint

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

After World Book Day yesterday, today we are having Free Write Friday.  You can choose a picture from the gallery below or one from your favourite book and write, well, whatever you fancy.

  • story
  • information
  • explanation
  • instructions
  • poem
  • song
  • letter
  • postcard
  • diary
  • comic

The choice is yours.

Please can you do you’re spelling test.  I will give you your new spellings on Monday so please can you bring in your red Spelling Books.

Perhaps you can make a reading den and read your favourite book.  Somewhere comfy and cosy.

Have a brain break – we were talking about this book in school yesterday!

This afternoon, I would like you to have a little think about what your lock down memories are.  Did you discover a new walk or read a book you loved?  Have you made a delicious recipe or did something funny, new or sad happen?

I would like you to draw your lock down memories in this jar.  Have chat at home about all the things that have happened over the last few weeks.

Lockdown Memories Jar

Now I’d like you to have a little think about Monday.  How are you feeling about coming back to school?  Are you excited or nervous or both?  If you have any questions, you could always email them to me and I will try my best to answer them or you can join our Teams meeting at 2.30. We’ll be finishing our book then there’ll be plenty of time for a chat.

Perhaps, this afternoon, you could spend a little time getting yourself ready to come back to school.  You won’t need a bag or pencil case- brand new pencils and glues are waiting for you in school- but you will need your water bottle and perhaps a lunch box.  Have you got any reading books that need finding…in my house they always disappear!  Do you know where your red Spelling Book is?  Most importantly, does your uniform still fit? I bet some of you have grown so much things may not fit like they did!

Some things you may want to know ready for Monday.

Until Easter, we are going to be having our lunchtime playtime first then our lunch at 12.30 so make sure you have a big breakfast.  There will be fruit snacks in school for break times so you don’t get too hungry or you can bring in your own healthy snack from home.

We will be changing reading books on a Monday and Thursday so please make sure you have read them and they are in school to be changed.  You can take your reading book home at night to read to someone at home and we will be doing lots of reading in school.

Our PE day is now Thursday.  The fantastic Mr Boffey will be taking you outside for PE so come to school in your PE kit and make sure you have warm coats and hats until the weather is a little milder.

On Fridays, we will be using the Forest School area and be outside for some of the day.  Please can you come to school in trousers, a long sleeved top and can you bring a warm, waterproof coat and your wellies.  We will be getting grubby so no party clothes please!

Here is a copy of our timetable for the next few weeks.  We have lots of lovely things planned – beginning with an art project that I think you will enjoy.

Weekly Timetable Spring 21

I hope you are looking forward to seeing each other again as much as Miss Claydon, Mrs Keyland and I are looking forward to seeing you.  Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope x