Friday’s English

Look again at Hardy’s The Convergence of the Twain.  Note how Hardy plays around with usual word order, e.g. ‘Over the mirrors meant to glass the opulent, the sea-worm crawls…’ Rather than ‘The sea-worm crawls over the mirrors…’ Also ‘Alien they seemed to be…’ – rather than ‘they seemed to be alien’ etc. Point out how we can start a verse with a description rather than writing sentences in the ‘normal’ order, e.g. ‘Shimmering, shuddering and slowly sinking, the great ship vanished below the waves…’  Can you think of sentences where we begin with some non-finite verbs or an adverbial, e.g. ‘Not thinking what I was doing, I ran across the deck.’

Use your planning sheets from Wednesday and also the adjectives and fronted adverbials sheet to stimulate ideas. Non finite sheet. Begin to write your poem. To start with you will be producing a very rough copy. It will have lots of crossing outs and corrections and changes. This is because you are working on it and changing your mind about what to write or how to express something. All poets work in this way, changing things as they go along. Then I want producing a final copy of your poem. It would be great if this could be illustrated in some way too.