Wednesday 3rd March

Hi everyone. Here are the activities for Wednesday.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Big Blue Whale


Today we are revising number facts we already know and using them to help us find related facts. For example, if we know that 5+5 is 10 then we can use this to work out 10-5 or 10-?=5.

Yellows: Find all number bonds to 7 (0+7, 1+6 etc) using toys or counters to help you. Then, work out the answers to the subtraction questions below. You should find that the number bonds you worked out will help you to work out answers more quickly.









Greens: Solve the addition number sentences and then match each one to the subtraction number sentence that uses the same facts. If you are confident with this, you could then write your own addition and subtraction number sentences using related facts. For example: 12-2=10 and 10+2=12. Calculation rescue

Blues: Work through the different questions on these mastery activities. There is guidance for adults on here too. Try hard to explain your answers and give reasons. Activity Cards – Fact Families-Addition Facts

You may enjoy having a go at ‘Hit the Button’ to practise your number bonds to 10: Hit the Button

Phonics/Listening Skills

Last week, in our music session, we were having fun using body percussion to make the sounds of different weathers. What could you do to make the sound of rain? Maybe tapping your fingers against your hand or clapping. How would you change this to make the sound of heavy rain? You could tap with more fingers or clap with more force. Try also to make a quieter sound.

Follow this link to listen to different weather sounds. Weather

Can you guess which weather you hear each time? Try to describe the sounds each time too. You may want to copy these sounds using body percussion, like we did in music last week.


Yesterday you were teaching someone how to play a game. Were the instructions you gave clear? Were they in the right order? What else do instructions need to have? Maybe you remember that instructions often have numbers or time connectives (first, next, then) at the start of each step. A set of instructions should also have a title and a ‘you will need’ section which tells you what things you need to get ready before you start.

Look at this set of instructions and answer the questions. instructions features questions


Enjoy this dance session all about spring: Spring celebrations You may also want to do some yoga: The Masked Singer

Have a fab day! x