Wednesday 3rd March, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Today, your challenge is to make a musical instrument.

Look at the PowerPoint below.

Lesson Presentation Making Music

Use your knowledge and understanding of sound to answer the questions and then have fun designing and creating your own musical instrument.

Activity Sheet Sound Q and A

Activity Sheet Sound Q and A Word Mat

Once you have made your musical instrument test it out.

Activity Sheet Making Music


Today, we are looking at completing symmetrical patterns using lines of symmetry.

Watch the PowerPoint and then complete one of the worksheets below,



BusyAnt_y4_Two lines of symmetry


A non-chronological report is based on facts.

Today, we are looking at the difference between a fact and an opinion.

Please watch the clip about whether statements are facts or opinions and then do the quiz.

Fact or opinion