Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Here’s what we will be doing today…


Morning activity

Have a go at one of the maths activity mats from below. There are about 15 on the document, so just choose one that you think you need to get a little bit better at! Please DO NOT do them all!!

Maths Activity Mats


Letters and Sounds

Tuesday 2nd



For our capacity work today I would like you to get the tupperware containers back out please. Choose 2 or 3 that are a different size and then choose some items that you can fill them up with (Duplo, pasta, marbles, pencils etc.).

First, I want you to predict (that means guess) how many items it will take to fill up your container. Maybe write down your prediction somewhere. Then, fill your container up with the items that you selected, counting as you go.

Have another look at your prediction – were you right? At the end, which container could you fit the most items in? Which could you fit the least items in?


Afternoon activity

Today I would like you match up the pictures of the animals to their babies using the sheet below. Can you think of the name for each of the animal babies? (e.g. a baby dog is a puppy, a baby bird is a chick).

If you are feeling SUPER brainy today, you could even label each of the pictures after you have matched them. Even if you only do the first sound that you can hear for each picture – then that’s enough to get your brains working hard!

Animals and Babies Matching



I know we all love Oi Frog! Here is Oi Dog!


Have a brilliant day everyone!

Miss Roberts xx