Wednesday’s English

Return to facts and background information that you discovered about the Titanic. What really happened on the night of 14th April? Listen to me read the Survivor’s account. Try to answer these questions: Were there enough lifeboats? Was the ship going too fast? Why did she hit the iceberg? What was the chaos like? How does it feel to be sinking? What were other people doing? I will be asking a child in school to answer these questions ‘live’ as if they were the person.

You are going to plan and then write your own poem about the sinking of the Titanic. You have options – you can write from the point of view of … a survivor, of one of those who drowned, a star looking down, the iceberg, a relation or an unbiased observer like Hardy…  you need to think what feelings you want to evoke, and what images you want to describe. Today you should decide on: (i) from whose point of view are you describing this event, (ii) what feelings you want to convey, (iii) what images you want to describe. You should list your thoughts under each heading on Planning my poem