Monday 1st March

What a lovely weekend. The weather was great – I hope you were able to go out and enjoy it.

Hopefully this is the last week we ever have of remote learning. Well done for working so well on it. I am really looking forward to seeing you all back in school next week. For this week though I will have to rely on teams to see most of you.

For maths we are working on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will look at how these are interlinked. In English we will finish off our poetry unit. This afternoon we will finish off our ICT unit on e-safety and complete some French. It will also be an ideal time to look at our spellings. Next week we will go back to these being tested.

Teams times:

8:30 Teams open

9:00 Maths explained (Miss Lewis will be able to support any of you at home if you are stuck)

11:00 English explained

12:00 Class novel read

1:30 ICT explained

The weather is supposed to be quite good all week so try and get lots of fresh air. Have a super week and I will see you all very soon.